5 Dangerous SEO Tactics That Could Be Affecting Your Site

These dangerous SEO tactics may be affecting your site if you haven’t already. Be sure to avoid them to maintain the ranking of your website on Google. They include keyword stuffing, creating keyword pages, using unnatural anchor text, and changing URLs. We’ll explain these tactics in detail. Hiring a professional SEO company in Dubai can help you achieve your target goals. 

Keyword stuffing:

While it may not be technically black hat SEO, keyword stuffing has become increasingly common among web admins. Keyword stuffing involves overusing the same keywords in numerous places, including odd wording choices. This tactic has negative consequences, even when the web admins do it with good intentions; rather than focusing on keywords that do not directly correlate with your content, focus on incorporating relevant keywords into your content.

Creating dedicated keyword pages:

A dedicated keyword page is extremely useful to attract organic search traffic. Search engines determine relevance by the language used on a website. If your website sells furniture, you should use long-tail keywords and optimize product pages for those keywords. A dedicated keyword page will help you attract more traffic, and it will be easier to rank for a specific keyword than to optimize a whole subcategory of products.

Using unnatural anchor text:

Using unnatural anchor text as an SEO technique can negatively affect your website. It makes your site feel pushy and promotional. Google is also starting to consider the context of the content on a page when ranking a website. You should avoid using keyword-based anchor text and focus on natural-sounding anchor text.

Changing URLs:

Changing URLs is a common SEO mistake that can have disastrous consequences for your website. Changing the URLs of your web pages can cause broken links, which will wreak havoc on your website. As a result, you should only change them when you are 100% certain you need to. You may also lose up to 25% of your traffic if the changes don’t work out.

Creating unnatural incoming links:

Unnatural incoming links can damage your website’s rankings. They are artificial and have been created to manipulate page rankings. These links can be purchased, scraped, or created by spammers. Even if they are well-placed, they could be considered unnatural.

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